Server-side validation
Type safety can help you avoid most problems at development and build time, but what about protecting the server against unforeseeable bugs or bad actors?
Server-side validation is currently not included out of the box, but there are many great options already available to add validation with little effort.
With Prisma
Prisma includes validation, so you can simply export many prisma methods directly:
import { prisma } from './prisma';
export const app = {
artist: {
findFirst: prisma.artist.findFirst,
findMany: prisma.artist.findMany,
With Typia
Typia includes an assertParameters()
guard which validates the input parameters to a given function based only on TS types:
import typia from 'typia';
export const app = {
repeatString: assertParameters(
(text: string, times: number) => Array(times).fill(text).join(', ')
With Zod
import z from 'zod';
export const app = {
repeatString: z.function().args(z.string(), z.number()).implement(
// parameter types are inferred via zod
(text, times) => Array(times).fill(text).join(', ')